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Upgrade user components

This document intends to guide you through the process of upgrading a user component with Terraform and the Cloud Platform CLI.

There are two types of components in the Cloud Platform: user components and cluster components. User components are used by tenants to deploy infrastructure for their application i.e. an S3 bucket. Cluster components are used by the Cloud Platform to deploy infrastructure i.e. EKS.

If you wish to upgrade a cluster component, please see here.

Making changes to your module

A list of available modules can be found here.

Make your required changes to the module and commit them to your branch. Ensure that any tests complete successfully and have the Cloud Platform team review your changes.

Semantic Versioning and release

We use Semantic Versioning to track the version of the module. Bump the tag version when changes are merged to main, using the command:

git tag -a 0.1.0 -m "Release version 0.1.0"
git push --tags

You’ll need to manually create a new release on GitHub.

Upgrading a user component in environments

The cloud-platform-environments-repo repository contains the namespaces for all production and non-production environments. All namespaces should contain the latest version of the modules you’ve changed. This is tricky to do manually, so we recommend using the cloud-platform-cli tool.

Clone the repository and branch off main. Run the following command:

cloud-platform environment bump-module --module <module-name> --module-version <version>

The module-name flag must contain a word in the module source. For example, if you were to upgrade the serviceaccount module to 0.5.0, you would run the following command:

cloud-platform environment bump-module --module serviceaccount --module-version 0.5.0

The CLI will make changes to the local copy of the repository. It’s your responsibility to commit these changes to your branch.

It’s recommended that you PR any non-production namespaces before production. A terraform plan will be generated for each namespace and you can review the impact on non-prod changes before prod. Ideally your change will have very little disruption(i.e. no downtime), but sometimes this is not possible. Any destroys/outages should be communicated to users.

This page was last reviewed on 25 November 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 25 May 2025 by the page owner #cloud-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 25 May 2025 by the page owner #cloud-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.