Delete Prometheus Metrics
This runbook describes the process for deleting metrics series from Prometheus.
More information in this article.
NB: This procedure has not removed the deleted metrics from the dropdown list on this page. So, I’m not sure it actually works.
1. Identify the metrics you want to delete
Use your web browser’s developer tools to inspect the dropdown list from the prometheus UI and copy its source, then save that as a file called
Filter the list and convert it to plain text
cat metrics-select-box.html | sed $'s/></>\n </g' | grep jenkins_node_ | sed 's/<.option>//' | sed 's/.*>//' > metrics
This example captures all metrics whose names include the string jenkins_node_
2. Enable the admin interface in Prometheus
kubectl -n monitoring edit prometheus prometheus-operator-prometheus
Under spec
enableAdminAPI: true
This will restart prometheus, leading to a 3-5 minute outage.
3. Launch a port-forward pod
kubectl -n monitoring run port-forward-pod \
--generator=run-pod/v1 \
--image=ministryofjustice/port-forward \
--port=9090 \
--env="REMOTE_HOST=prometheus-operator-prometheus" \
--env="LOCAL_PORT=9090" \
4. Forward local traffic to Prometheus
kubectl -n monitoring port-forward port-forward-pod 9090:9090
This port-forward will die periodically, so you’ll need to restart it when that happens.
5. Use curl (in another terminal) to hit the API endpoint
curl -v http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up
If this works, you will see a list of metrics as a JSON document.
You can now delete a single metric like this
curl -v -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={__name__="jenkins_node_artefacts_javaskeleton_build_kaniko_1_rq4tp_0t7pb_1srvx_builds"}'
6. Use this script to delete multiple metrics
Use with care. This will delete all the metrics listed in the file metrics
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def delete_metric(name)
return if name.to_s.length == 0
execute %[curl -v -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={__name__="#{name}"}']
def clean_tombstones
execute %[curl -v -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones']
def execute(cmd)
puts cmd
metrics = File.readlines("metrics")
metrics.each_slice(1000) do |list|
list.each { |metric| delete_metric(metric.chomp) }
This works in chunks of 1000 metrics, calling the data compaction command after each chunk.
Invoke the script like this:
./delete_metrics.rb 2>&1 | tee delete.log
This will fail after a while, because the port-forward will die. So, use the
delete.log to figure out where the last success occurred, and delete down to
there in the metrics
grep -B 6 204 delete.log | grep POST | tail
Repeat until finished.
7. Clean up
Disable the admin interface. As per step 1, remove the
enableAdminAPI: true
flag (this will bounce prometheus, causing an outage of a few minutes)Remove the port-forward pod
kubectl -n monitoring delete pod port-forward-pod