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Moving components modules into core

In order to migrate a terraform module from components into core there are a number of steps that need to be done in order to make sure the process runs smoothly. From a high level the terraform module needs to be moved and then tested in a test cluster.

The aim is to make sure that when a terraform plan is run against both core and compoents after the MTM tool is ran there should be no terraform changes.

There is a pipeline in Concourse that accepts $CLUSTER_NAME and $MODULE_NAME setting these and running the pipeline will migrate that module on the cluster specified.

The exact steps should follow:

  1. Raise PR with migrated module
  2. Update #cloud-platform informing the team about the module migration and to not make new PRs against cloud-platform-infrastructure.
  3. Pause pipelines
  4. Log in to Concourse using fly -t moj-cp login -c
  5. Ensure your in the cloud-platform-terraform-concourse directory.
  6. Update pipelines with module name and cluster name: fly -t moj-cp set-pipeline --pipeline migrate-module --config migrate-module.yaml -v cluster_name=$CLUSTER_NAME -v module=$MODULE_NAME
  7. Run migrate-module pipeline from the Concourse UI.
  8. Unpause pipeline environment specific pipeline (e.g. live-2)
  9. Re-run PR plan - the plan should show “No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.”
  10. Re-run step 5-9 with the next environment (e.g. manager)
  11. Get approval for the PR and merge.
  12. Un-pause live-2 and check for a clean apply
  13. Repeat 9. with manager and live
  14. Update #cloud-platform informing the team of the completed migration and that pipelines are unpaused.

Disaster Recovery

If for some reason something goes wrong then you can use the backed up state file to overwrite the remote.

Alternatively all our tf state objects are versioned in S3 so you can restore a previous known working version from the AWS console.

This page was last reviewed on 3 April 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 3 October 2024 by the page owner #cloud-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 3 October 2024 by the page owner #cloud-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.