Debugging AWS Console read-only access issues
This page exists to collect and provide guidance on how to debug issues with AWS Console read-only access.
GitHub teams Principal Tag character limit exceeded
You may see users encountering the following error when attempting to SSO into the AWS Console:
Unable to validate tags (Service: AWSSecurityToken; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationError; Request ID: abcd-1234; Proxy: null). Please try again.
The cause of this issue has frequently been identified as a result of a user belonging to enough GitHub teams (or those with especially long names) that result in the total length of the Principal Tag exceeding the 256 character limit, as documented here
In order to confirm whether this is the cause, request the user to grab a SAML response from their browser session by following the steps provided in this link
Ask the user to provide you with their base64 decoded SAML response, and check the character count for the contents of the PrincipalTag:GithubTeam
<saml:Attribute Name="" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri"><saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">:github-teams:</saml:AttributeValue>
You can easily get a character count by running the following command:
$ printf ":github-team-1:github-team-2:" | wc -c
If the character count exceeds 256, you will need to ask the user to review their GitHub team membership, and remove themselves from any teams that are no longer required.
At this time, there is no other workaround for this issue.