Leavers Guide
When CP team members leave, follow this guide, and log completion in a ticket.
Revoking Access
Digital Services
Google account closure
This has to be ordered in advance of them leaving, by creating a ServiceNow order Return device for Digital Mac & WTP users
This is not just about returning their Mac - it will do the important step of closing their Google account.
This is usually raised by the line manager for civil servants.
Note - Include details in the ServiceNow request to transfer the leaver’s Google Drive to someone in their team.
Note - If the leaver has created any slack apps, these will need to be transferred to someone else in the team.
Contact #digital-it-forum channel for any queries
MOJ Digital VPN removal
Create a ServiceNow order: Digital VPN add/remove This is usually raised by the line manager for civil servants.
Slack account deactivation
Cloud Platform maintain a list of webhooks for Alertmanager Notifications - Incoming Webhooks. When the slack account is deactivated, these webhooks will still be active. Hence, no action is needed.
Some apps that member installed which require member-specific permissions may be atomatically deactivated. Check in advance, if the leaver has installed any such apps and if so, transfer them to someone else in the team by creating a ServiceNow order: Slack tasks for the D&T Workspace Also make sure there is atleast one other member who is a collaborator for the app.
AWS Accounts
Purge them from AWS accounts:
To login, use the SSO links above, or use the AWS console
Remove them from
- As per this PR
Remove them from
cloud-platform eks cluster
- As per this File
Other 3rd Party Accounts access removal
Below are the list of 3rd party accounts that need to be removed when a member leaves the team. Contact #ask-operations-engineering channel requesting the removal
Request Password Management removal - 1Password
Remove them from the PagerDuty support rota (if applicable)
10.Remove them from platforms@digital.justice.gov.uk Google Group
Line manager actions
Complete the Leavers Checklist for Managers