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Create custom cluster

In concourse we have the ability to create custom clusters based of whichever branch you specify.

First we need to update the pipeline config with our branch, you need to run the following command from the cloud-platform-terraform-concourse repo root folder.

fly -t moj-cp set-pipeline --pipeline custom-cluster  --config pipelines/manager/main/custom-cluster.yaml -v branch_name=migrate-eks-csi

From here you can then kick off the build from the concourse UI.

Deleting your custom cluster

Our delete pipeline allows you to specify the branch_name in the config so to do this you run:

fly -t moj-cp set-pipeline --pipeline delete-cluster --config pipelines/manager/main/delete-cluster.yaml -v branch_name=migrate-eks-csi -v cluster_name=tp-0000-0000

You need to pass both branch_name and cluster_name to the command.

 Rerunning stages in the create custom cluster pipeline

If you need to re-run a plan or apply at any stage after the cluster has been created you can do this by running the following:

fly -t moj-cp set-pipeline --pipeline custom-cluster  --config pipelines/manager/main/custom-cluster.yaml -v branch_name=migrate-eks-csi -v cluster_name=tp-0000-0000

Then you can select the step in the pipeline that you’d like to re-run.

Run integration tests against custom cluster

You can also use the custom-integration-tests job within the custom-cluster pipeline to execute the go integration test suite against a cluster of your choice:

fly -t manager set-pipeline -p custom-cluster -c pipelines/manager/main/custom-cluster.yaml -v branch_name=<SOME-OTHER-BRANCH> -v cluster_name=<YOUR-TEST-CLUSTER-NAME>

And then trigger a new build in custom-integration-tests job view.

This page was last reviewed on 27 November 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 27 May 2025 by the page owner #cloud-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 27 May 2025 by the page owner #cloud-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.